פרופשיונל - לרופאי שיניים ושינניות מוצרי GENGIGEL מיוצרים באיטליה ע"י חברת RICERFARMA כבר למעלה מ- 13שנים ומשווקים ביותר מ- 50 מדינות בעולם. המוצרים מאושרים ע"י ה- EU, FDA ומשרד הבריאות בארץ, מתאים לכל סוגי האוכלוסייה (סוכרתיים, נשים בהריון, תינוקות וילדים) וללא תופעות לוואי.
ניתן להשיג את מוצרי ג׳נג׳יג׳ל פרופשיונל בחברת א.ב 2000 טל׳: 03-6802828
להשיג בחברת א.ב 2000
טל׳: 03-6802828
Primary pain relief
Main clinical effects :
Reduces pain and discomfort, especially during professional hygiene, tooth whitening, stitch removal and periodontal probing procedures.
Promotes and accelerates tissue reconstruction after surgical traumas, especially periodontal work, implants, tooth extractions, and subgingival root planing and scaling. To ensure the best results, the product should be applied after a professional hygiene session, the day before the operation and after stitching (but never during open surgery), at the end of the procedure.
Promotes and accelerates anti-oedema processes, especially in patients suffering from gingivitis and periodontal disease. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially useful in the case of gingivitis caused by mechanical, compressive or iatrogenic factors.
GENGIGEL® PROF FLUID (500 ml bottle – HA 0.1%) + measuring spoons (50 spoons per box)

Haemostasis and gingival pocket: their ideal habitats
Main clinical effects :
Reduces gingival pockets. Significant anatomo-clinical results are achieved, sometimes after a single application, following closed root planing up to a probing depth of code 3 on the BPE (basic periodontal examination) scale. An open non-surgical planing procedure should always be performed before the use of the product.
Reduces bleeding, with a haemostatic effect. The effect is evident at the peri-operative stage of tooth extraction (in association with the usual local compressive manoeuvres and stitching of the surgical wound if necessary), during professional hygiene sessions, and during the removal of stitches, including embedded sutures.
Promotes and accelerates tissue reconstruction after surgical traumas, especially periodontal work, implants, tooth extractions, and subgingival root planing and scaling. To ensure the best results, the product should be applied after a professional hygiene session, the day before the operation and after stitching (but never during open surgery), at the end of the procedure.
GENGIGEL® PROF (box containing four pre-filled 1 ml syringes - HA 0.8%) + CAPS 4, plastic